Nita Wade &  Rita Havenar
(Ladies Only)
Room 140/Library

This class is open to all adult ladies and will meet each week from 9:30am-10:30am in room 140 which is the library room.
Can you use some unshakeable hope? Hope is hard to come by these days. In this study Max Lucado unpacks a dozen of the Bible's most significant promises, equipping us to overcome difficult circumstances, experiencing lasting security and making wise decisions.

Matt Young
Fellowship hall

This class is open to all adult men and women. They will meet in the Fellowship Hall from 9:30am-10:30am.
Come and look at songs we sing in worship. They will look at the messages being taught in songs and how songs compare to the truth we find in the Bible.

elton & Robyn Sunday
Room 160

This class is open to all adult men and women. They will meet in room 160 from 9:30am-10:30am.
Let's look at Psalms in a whole new way. Psalms is not just about songs. Come study the book of Psalms and see how you can share the message of the Gospel using these passages. 

About Adult Sunday School

Classes for All Ages

We are currently offering three Sunday School classes for the next 12 weeks for all adults.  
Sunday School will meet each Sunday from 9:30am-10:30am.
We encourage everyone to come and get plugged into one of these three great studies and grow deeper in your personal walk with Christ.
Sunday School is a great way to connect with one another and grow deeper in your relationship with Christ as you study God's Word in a small group.
Contact the church office for more details on how to get plugged in!

Sunday School For Children & youth

Explore the Bible: Kids

Preschool Hallway & 2nd Floor
(Birth-6th Grade)
Kids will study the word of God using a variety of activities. We have nursery care for Birth-2 years old and classes for children 3 years old-6th Grade. 3 & 4 year olds class is in the preschool hallway. Preschool-6th Grade classes meet on the 2nd floor.  Check out the children's page for more details or contact Charlotte Thulin!

Youth Sunday School

3rd Floor
(7th-12th Grade)
Youth meet on the 3rd floor on Sunday Mornings.  Once a month they meet at Braums or McDonalds for Sunday School.  They are currently studying Spiritual Habits, Teens vs. Parents. For more details contact Theresa Martins.